
Adaptation ≠ evolution. Wait, since when?

Republican congressman Jack Kingston (GA) claims he didn't come from no monkey.

Now, I'm fully convinced he laughed as he was saying it because he knew it was the dumbest thing he'd said up to that point. There's something fundamentally wrong with the narrative when the people we elect (or you elect, there in the South) don't comprehend basic science. You can't weasel your way into votes from educated folk by claiming you're concerned about antibiotic-resistant bacteria while simultaneously denying evolution. You can't be in charge of voting on others' education or complex science policy if you don't understand simple ideas that actually affect real people. I can only imagine what this man thinks stems cells do. He went on to claim that "global warming" (which the rest of us have agreed is actually climate change) isn't born out by the science because is hasn't yet been proved. Good grief, people. Let this be a litmus test.

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