
Oh, you mean to tell me God has this much free time?

One of ID'ers (those that subscribe to "Intelligent Design" or thinly veiled creationism) favorite arguments is that evolution CAN'T EXPLAIN THE ANIMAL EYE. It's surely too complex to have simultaneously evolved in multiple creatures from simpler processes and random genetic mutations. Michael Behe (learn his name and henceforth scoff every time it's mentioned in conversation if you'd like props from your educated friends) coined the term "irreducible complexity" to describe situations like the eye. Therefore, evolution must have some guiding hand and these "gaps" can be filled in by God's ever-omnipotent force and wisdom. I've said it many times before, but it bears repeating: I believe that science can (and will continue to) determine exactly how evolution has performed to produce such amazingly complex structures like the eyeball. And that takes much less faith than the chasmatic leap it would take for me to believe that (G)od had anything to do with it.

Now let's look at a fairly simple diagram of how scientists believe evolution of the eye probably happened. Pretty awesome, right?

And finally, just for fun... check out these amazing macro images of a few different types of eyes from around the animal kingdom. #evolutioninaction 

Discus fish


Find the full gallery from Suren Manvelyan here

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